Sunday 23 February 2014


Three teams from Higher Teignmouth WI took part in the first round of the County quiz on Saturday and brains were stretched to the max as 100 questions were asked in quick succession!  Fortunately there was a break for tea and cake half way through.  All our teams did well but were not placed in the top two - that honour went to Parke and Chudleigh WI teams.

Anyway, we are all still smiling and it was a fun afternoon (thanks to Pat for the photos)

Monday 17 February 2014


Last Thursday, we all enjoyed a lively Workshop making Brag Books.  These folded books can come in all sizes and can be used for many different occasions - a photo album, a holiday scrapbook, a thank-you after a visit  or a seasonal / birthday celebration.

a tiny Brag Bood

Shirley Brokenshaw led the workshop and she took us through the stages of creating the Brag Book, giving us a chance to practise before making one ourselves.  A BIG Thank you to Shirley for all her preparation which helped to make this workshop so enjoyable and successful.

Here's one made at the workshop

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Talk on Alternative Therapies

At last night's meeting we all enjoyed a talk by Dawn Hall on Alternative Therapies.  Dawn is a Spiritual Healer.  She explained the philosophy behind her work and described some of her services to us.  These include holistic massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and reiki.  She had also brought some of her home-made products with her.   Dawn led us through a visualisation meditation which was a lovely experience.

Dawn does consultations at her own studio and she also has a stall at the market in Newton Abbot.  If you want to know more (or buy some more of her excellent products) this is her website link.

Thank you Dawn for a very interesting evening.