Saturday 19 November 2016

Carole's Cupcakes sugarcraft class

Christmas Cupcakes

On Wednesday evening 14 members enjoyed a sugarcraft class at Carole's Cupcakes in Teignmouth. Carole is a very patient lady! Everybody enjoyed themselves immensely and took home 2 Cupcakes each which they had decorated with a fun Christmas theme. See the photos below 😊

Wednesday 9 November 2016

November Meeting

Despite the miserable weather lots of members came to the November meeting. Julie Walton was acting President as Pam was on holiday. The speaker was Robert Hesketh who told us stories about haunted Inns in Devon. It was a thoroughly enjoyable talk. For this meeting we set out the room with tables and this seemed more sociable and was popular with most of the members. The competition this month was a creepy cupcake and there were only two entrants, the winner was Marion Wyatt with Janet Williams runner up, Robert Hesketh kindly judged the competition for us. The photos were taken by Pat Rowley. Pictured are Janet Williams, Robert Hesketh and Marion Wyatt. (Left to Right) Also the winnng cake.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Members Meal Outing

The Smugglers Inn was the latest venue for our members to enjoy a lovely meal. There were 17 lovely ladies t this event and a fabulous fun time was had by all.