Wednesday 5 April 2017

Dementia Aprons

Several of the members have made Dementia aprons, these work as fidget blankets for people suffering from Dementia as they find it useful to have these to keep their hands busy. They will be sent to a Exeter Dementia ward. Picture below are the ladies with the aprons they have made. They will be gratefully received by their new owners and they all look fabulous. Well done to all those that managed to complete one.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Lunch and Skittles

Ladies that Lunch ( and play skittles )

The end of March saw our members meeting for Lunch at Mount Pleasant in Dawlish, for an enjoyable afternoon socialising and eating delicious food, the desserts were a big hit as you will see from the photos below. After lunch the members got together to practise playing skittles, everybody had a thoroughly good time. The photos below are provided courtesy of Sandra Cura.